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6 Key Facts to Know About Your Personal Injury Attorney in Phoenix

After someone is injured because of someone else’s negligence, it’s possible their lives will change forever – especially if the injured party is experiencing pain, or requires numerous medical appointments, or begins to realize the extent of the financial burden serious injuries can result in. No one immediately thinks after an injury that they will… Read more

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Top Reckless Behaviors that Mesa Law Firms Can Get Compensation For

Human beings can be reckless. And while nobody’s going to question that statement of fact, it’s also true that certain reckless behaviors are more likely to end up causing serious injury than others. Most of which are done behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. Mesa law firms can help victims of reckless actions. When… Read more

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Mesa Personal Injury Advocates Weigh in on the Snapchat Lawsuit Decision

For those unaware of the story, Snapchat was recently sued for their speed filter option on their app. Plaintiffs in the lawsuit alleged that Snapchat’s filter promoted unsafe driving practices. While the argument seemed legitimate, Snapchat was able to have the case against them dismissed in a recent court motion, according to ABC News. A… Read more

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Accident Caused by Eating and Driving? A Personal Injury Lawyer in Gilbert, Arizona Can Help

Distracted driving-related motor vehicle accidents are growing in number. In 2014 alone, more than 3,179 people were killed and there were 431,000 injuries related to distracted driving incidents on United States roads. It is not just texting and talking on phones that cause these accidents, either. In fact,  highlights that eating and drinking are… Read more

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What Damages Can Mesa Wrongful Death Attorneys Get for an Estate?

Wrongful death lawsuits are emotionally and mentally strenuous for the surviving family members. Not only are they coping with the loss of a loved one, but they are enduring the pain of a wrongful death lawsuit. Mesa wrongful death attorneys are a reprieve in these situations. They provide the counsel, experience, and assistance families need… Read more

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10 Reasons Your Case Needs a Mesa Personal Injury Lawyer

Most accident victims do not set out with the intention of suing the person that caused the crash. However, after the medical costs start to pile up, the hours at work dramatically lower their household income, and they can no longer keep up, they consider the option of a lawsuit. Insurance companies try to get… Read more

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An Accident Attorney in Mesa, AZ Weighs in on Accidents and Insurance Rates

After an automobile accident in Arizona, there is a possibility that a driver’s car insurance rates will increase. Luckily, Arizona is one of the few no-fault states. Therefore, a driver has a few options when they need to file a claim after an auto accident. Choosing the right course of action, however, should happen after… Read more

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Apple Liable for Distracted Driving? A Personal Injury Attorney in Phoenix, AZ Weighs In

Apple is facing yet another lawsuit for their advanced technology. In this instance, Apple is being blamed for an automobile accident that caused a child’s death. The at-fault driver was using their iPhone at the time they caused the crash, and the reason Apple is now being sued is that the Cupertino, CA-based company has… Read more

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Attorneys in Phoenix, AZ Answer the Most Common FAQs on Accident Lawsuits

Personal injury attorneys in Phoenix, AZ understand what an accident victim is going through. They are confused, scared, angry, and in pain. They have a lot of questions that are not being immediately answered. Luckily, most of the questions a potential plaintiff has are the same as other plaintiffs enduring an accident lawsuit. For those… Read more

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Disputing Fault in a Phoenix Personal Injury Case

After an accident or other Phoenix personal injury incident, a victim may know that they did not cause the incident. In fact, in some cases, the other driver even admits guilt at the scene. However, once insurance claims adjusters get involved, suddenly the other party is recanting their story or claiming they were not at… Read more

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