Getting injured in a car accident is a devastating event. It leaves you injured and feeling pain and anger at the situation. The accident was not your fault, and it’s taking longer than you expected to get answers. You’re worried about the medical bills piling up. Even before you have hired a personal injury attorney,… Read more
Posts Categorized: Auto Accidents
3 Things You Should Do About Car Accidents in Phoenix
It’s pretty safe to say that if you’ve never been involved in a car accident, your time is coming. It’s also safe to assume that you or someone in your vehicle is likely to be injured and maybe even seriously. Car accidents are a huge cause of pain and suffering on top of potentially staggering… Read more
What Should You Do if You Are Involved in an 18 Wheeler Semi Truck Accident?
Were you recently involved in an accident involving an 18 wheeler? If this is the case, you need to report your injuries immediately. If you feel that negligence or impairment on the part of the driver caused your injuries, you need to make this known as soon as possible. These injuries are bound to lead… Read more
5 Things To Do Following A Car Accident in Gilbert Arizona
Usually when a driver is involved in an automobile accident, everything happens so quickly that they simply don’t know what to do next. If you are better prepared in case you are ever involved in a car accident, it will go a long way in protecting both your health and financial future. Here are 5… Read more
Why Injured Auto Accident Victims Always Need Legal Counsel for Full Compensation
Filing an injury claim following an auto accident often appears as a simple task that will require no legal assistance when first contacting the respondent insurance company, but this appearance is typically by design. Contact representatives for all insurance companies are well-trained in accepting claims and initially communicating with injured victims. A first discussion with… Read more
Understanding How Comparative Negligence Affects an Auto Accident Injury Claim
All personal injury claims following an auto accident are not necessarily equal when it finally comes down to the amount of damages an injured plaintiff may receive. While passengers in vehicles involved in collisions typically can receive whole damages when enough funds are available, injured plaintiffs who were driving a vehicle will also be assessed… Read more
What to Do When You’re Involved in an Accident with a DUI Driver in Phoenix, AZ
Being involved in an accident when the other driver was under the influence of alcohol requires the skills of an experience Phoenix personal injury lawyer to get a favorable result. The other driver is going to try everything to avoid the charges of driving under the influence, and eventually avoid blame for the accident. These… Read more
What To Do If You Get in a Truck Accident in Phoenix, AZ
Suffering injuries after a truck accident usually requires a trip to the emergency room. These injuries can be severe, and while you are focused on healing, key evidence at the scene of the accident is disappearing that could be the determining factor as to whether or not you are compensated for those injuries. These are… Read more
Understanding the Value of Your Auto Accident Injury Claim
All auto accident cases are not equal in value when it comes to financial recovery. There are multiple reasons why claims are paid at different rates, with most of those involving personal contribution to causing the injury or a minimal amount of auto insurance protection carried by a negligent driver. Fault for causing an… Read more
What to Do When You’re Injured in an Automobile Accident in Gilbert, AZ
Being involved in an automobile accident is both physically and mentally traumatic. On one hand, you are suffering with injuries that have you in excruciating pain, and on the other you are worried about how you will be able to earn a living and cover your mounting bills. By reaching out to the local Arizona… Read more