What Damages Can I Recover For My Mesa Slip And Fall Accident?

Slip and Fall Accident Lawyer Mesa, AZ

If you go to a Mesa grocery store or other business, the last thing on your mind is having an accident that results in serious injuries. However, if you slip and fall due to a slick aisle, items left in your way, or from products falling from nearby shelves, you will find yourself facing many obstacles. Along with needing treatment for your injuries, you will also probably wind up missing significant time from your job and enduring various types of pain and suffering while your injuries heal. Since these accidents are usually due to the negligence and carelessness of others, it is crucial you be given maximum compensation for various damages.

Medical Bills for Slip and Fall Accidents

When you slip and fall in a Mesa business, your injuries will be significant. In fact, you can suffer such injuries as broken bones, neck and back injuries, concussions, and even traumatic brain injuries. As a result, you will be facing a long road to recovery that will include an avalanche of high medical bills, all of which will need to be paid.

Lost Wages due to slip and fall personal injury

Since you will be seriously injured, you will of course not be able to return to your job in Mesa for quite some time. Because of this, you will suddenly find yourself with little or no income. However, that will not stop your regular bills from arriving in the mail. As a result, you will find yourself scrambling to figure out how to pay for groceries, utilities, and other expenses.

Pain and Suffering from Slip and Fall Accident

When slip and fall accidents take place, the pain and suffering endured by victims lasts for a long period of time. Along with the obvious physical pain, many victims suffer emotional pain as well, often resulting in increased anxiety and depression. In many cases, this results in an inability to enjoy life and pursue activities they love, as well as have positive interactions with friends and family.

If you slipped and fell at a Mesa business due to the negligence and carelessness of others, contact Tobler Law today to schedule a consultation and discuss your accident in more detail.

