Posted August 16th, 2010
In our law office, especially at this time of year, we see many bicycle accidents. Children are biking to and from school again, and as the weather starts to get cooler, more individuals are biking recreationally. I’d like to offer some suggestions on how to be safer and avoid injuries from a bike accident. 1) … Read more
Posted August 2nd, 2010
Dogs are wonderful. They provided faithful, loving companionship to the individuals and families that care for them. But even the best dogs can be dangerous because every dog has the potential to bite. In Maricopa County, Arizona last year, there were over 5,700 reported dog bites. For dogs, bites are a form of communication. A… Read more
Posted July 27th, 2010
As the office manager at Tobler Law, I talk to many people who are not sure if they have a medical malpractice case. Here are some things to keep in mind: Medical malpractice occurs when there is negligence on the part of the medical provider or facility that results in medical treatment that falls below… Read more
Posted July 23rd, 2010
As a law clerk at Tobler Law, I take photos, measurements, and talk to witnesses for many of our clients’ cases. While we always expect to gather evidence for your personal injury claim, it is in your best interest to gather any evidence that you can reasonably obtain while at the scene of the accident… Read more
Posted July 12th, 2010
After you are involved in any type of accident, family and friends are eager to give you advice. Despite their best intentions, it is in your best interest to get a free legal evaluation from an actual lawyer at the earliest opportunity. If you put it at the bottom of your priority list, evidence that… Read more
Posted June 30th, 2010
A few weeks ago I returned to Tobler & Associates after finishing my second year of the nursing program at BYU. It is interesting for me to spend time in the hospital working with patients who have fallen or have been in motor vehicle accidents, and then to come to Tobler & Associates and to… Read more
Posted June 28th, 2010
At Tobler & Associates, P.C., we serve East Mesa and the Phoenix Valley in representing injured clients. As a legal assistant, I answer many questions over the phone as people look for an attorney after they’ve been injured. Sometimes a simple explanation of legal liability is necessary to help explain what Tobler Law can do… Read more
Posted June 23rd, 2010
One thing that is always needed to evaluate a potential medical malpractice claim is your medical records. If you feel malpractice has occurred you can request a copy of your medical records. State law gives each patient the right to a copy of his/her medical records. These can be obtained by making a request to… Read more
Posted June 21st, 2010
In Arizona, if you are in an auto accident auto insurance (either yours or the at-fault drivers) will pay for the cost to fix or repair your car. Or, if your car is a total loss, the auto insurance will pay you the market value of your car. But only the market value. Unfortunately, many… Read more
Posted June 14th, 2010
In addition to being a law clerk at Tobler Law, I am a currently a law student. While learning in both settings, I have realized that the academic world and the real world are very different. In law school, I constantly read case law, which is a court’s interpretation of statutory law. To a law… Read more