Negligence Led to Wrongful Death Suit

A wrongful death attorney handles civil suits for families that have lost a loved on to wrongful death due to the wrongful act or negligence of another individual. In Arizona a wrongful death lawyer is usually referred to as a wrongful death attorney. A wrongful death case in Arizona usually involves a death that has resulted due to negligence, breach of contract, liability or default of duty by a third party. This lawyer handles all matters related to wrongful death cases in Arizona.

Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice is a term given to medical errors that result in serious physical harm or disability to an individual. A wrongful death attorney deals with this type of case more frequently than any other type of death case. In Arizona, there are many medical errors that cause wrongful death cases. Examples include misdiagnosis of disease, use of inappropriate treatment such as administering anesthetics during surgery or failure to treat a patient’s infection or complication. Another cause of medical malpractice is if a doctor fails to take timely action to resolve a medical emergency resulting to the death of a patient.


Negligence is another common cause of death related to medical malpractice and can also be a cause of wrongful death lawsuit. Negligence can be defined as failure to act reasonably to prevent injury or damage. During the consultation, your wrongful death attorney will examine the case and determine whether you have a strong case for compensation or not. He will also listen to your story to help him determine whether you have a valid claim.

If you need help from a Mesa, AZ Wrongful Death Attorney contact Tobler Law for a consultation and help

