There are times when people get injured by products they purchase from a store. If something was meant to be used in a specific way and caused injury to someone, there’s a good chance that person will be able to sue either the manufacturer or the distributor for the defective product. People should be able to use the products they buy without fear of being injured by them, but unfortunately, this does happen. Those who happen to be involved in these cases, even if they weren’t the ones who actually purchased the product, need to be sure they are seeking legal compensation for their injury or distress. However, those who are thinking about filing a personal injury claim regarding a defective product need to be aware of some things before they do.
Suing the Right People
When it comes to a defective product case, the victim needs to be sure the right people are being sued. There are two different parties involved in most personal injury cases, and one or the other of them are usually liable for someone’s injuries.
The first and most common liable party for a defective product is the manufacturer. If someone purchases a moped and it did not come with brake pads installed on it, then this is a defective product and the person who was injured can sue the manufacturer. The manufacturer can also be responsible for someone’s injuries if a batch of their products was produced incorrectly. For example, if a manufacturing plant that produced sunglasses accidentally produced a batch that had sharp edges on them and ended up cutting several people, then those people are considered victims of a defective product. There are many ways in which a manufacturer can distribute a defective product, so it’s best to consult with a lawyer who’s experienced in these cases to find out the best course of action.
The other party that can be held responsible in a defective product case is the retailer or distributor of the product. When a company receives products from a manufacturer, they are supposed to handle them in a certain way or the products could become harmful to customers. If a retailer received plastic products from a manufacturer and left them in the sun for too long, which they were told not to do, then they can be the party that’s held responsible for someone’s defective product injury. Plastic can melt in the sun and change its shape, resulting in a product that was not what the manufacturer originally shipped to the retailer.
The Different Kinds of Defective Product Cases
When it comes to a defective product case, the victim needs to be aware of the different types that get brought to court. The main two types of defective product cases are items that were manufactured incorrectly, and items that failed to properly warn a consumer of the common risks.
Items that were manufactured incorrectly are those that come from the production warehouse either damaged or missing parts. In order for a product to perform as it’s supposed to, it needs to be in the specifications developed by the manufacturing company. If there are any errors in producing the product, then people may get harmed after they purchase the item and try to use it.
Products that fail to warn customers of common risks are also cases that many people bring to court. This type of defective product case is when a manufacturer doesn’t warn the consumer about risks that could cause them harm. If a cough syrup manufacturer didn’t label their product as dangerous when consumed with Tylenol, then someone who drank the cough syrup and took Tylenol can sue that company. Manufacturers of products that people consume are supposed to do extensive research regarding common substances and how they interact with the human body. The same can be true of products that interact badly with other common items even though they aren’t being consumed. If a company produces an item with a certain material and they know that it can react badly when it comes in contact with a common substance, then they need to be sure that they inform their customers of this.
Other Things to Keep in Mind
When consulting a lawyer regarding a defective product personal injury lawsuit, it’s important to be sure that the victim retains any information regarding their injury and the product that caused it. If the victim still has the product that injured them, then they need to keep it and show it to their lawyer. If the victim still has the receipt for the product when they bought it from the store, then they need to show this to their lawyer as well. People who are injured by defective products should also be sure that they are keeping record of their medical bills and expenses regarding the injury. If someone has to go to physical rehab because they were injured by a defective product, then they need to be sure that they are documenting how much they are being charged for the classes and also for the initial treatment.
Those who think they may have a defective product personal injury lawsuit in the state of Arizona would be wise to contact Tobler Law. This is a law firm that has extensive experience when it comes to defective product cases, and they know how to properly represent clients in all types of situations. Take advantage of top quality legal representation when bringing a personal injury claim to court so you have the best chance of winning your case and getting the money you deserve.