My Neighbor’s Dog Bit Me–Do I Need A Phoenix Personal Injury Lawyer?

If you are like most people, you love dogs. However, even with the friendliest of dogs, there is always the possibility of them suddenly biting you. When this happens the injuries you suffer can be serious, even if the dog is small. If you were bitten by your neighbor’s dog in Phoenix, you may be hesitant to sue for damages. However, since there can be medical bills and other damages you incur, it is best to consult with a personal injury lawyer from Tobler Law.

Medical Expenses
When you are bitten by a dog, you will likely require extensive medical treatment. Even if you think you may not be seriously injured, you may have suffered damaged ligaments, tendons, and muscles in your hand, which could require surgery and an extended period of recovery. Should the bite be severe, you may also suffer disfigurement that may or may not be repaired by plastic surgery. Unfortunately, these medical expenses can be overwhelming to victims, which is why you need to speak with an attorney as soon as possible following your dog bite accident.

Lost Income
Along with the medical expenses that are mounting, you are also facing the reality of being unable to return to your job for several weeks or perhaps much longer. Should this happen, you will instantly be facing a severe financial hardship for yourself and your family. By working with an experienced personal injury lawyer who has successfully handled numerous dog bite cases over the years, you can gain compensation that will cover the income you have already lost as well as any future income that would be lost as well.

Pain and Suffering
As dog bite victims know, the pain and suffering that goes along with their injuries is devastating. As a result, it keeps them from being able to enjoy day-to-day activities with their friends and family, which is why your attorney will always seek compensation for your pain and suffering.

If you were bitten by a neighbor’s dog, take the first step toward gaining the compensation you need and deserve by consulting with Tobler Law.

