News & Blog

Overview of Punitive Damages in an Arizona Personal Injury Lawsuit

Movies and television can give people an inaccurate impression of the U.S. justice system. This includes leaving people with misperceptions about lawsuits in personal injury cases of different types. Frequently, films and television programs that feature trials associated with personal injuries end with fantastic trials and enormous verdicts in favor of the plaintiff. These huge… Read more

What’s Comparative Fault and What Does it Mean for My Personal Injury Claim?

Sometimes, a personal injury occurs because of the actions of only one party. In many cases, however, more than one person contributes to the events that cause a personal injury. In some cases, even the injured victim may have contributed to the events that caused their injuries with their own negligence. How can multiple parties… Read more

What To Do If You Get in a Truck Accident in Phoenix, AZ

Suffering injuries after a truck accident usually requires a trip to the emergency room. These injuries can be severe, and while you are focused on healing, key evidence at the scene of the accident is disappearing that could be the determining factor as to whether or not you are compensated for those injuries. These are… Read more

Understanding the Value of Your Auto Accident Injury Claim

  All auto accident cases are not equal in value when it comes to financial recovery. There are multiple reasons why claims are paid at different rates, with most of those involving personal contribution to causing the injury or a minimal amount of auto insurance protection carried by a negligent driver. Fault for causing an… Read more

When to Hire a Dog Bite Attorney or Lawyer for Your Dog Bite Injury

Every day about one thousand (1000) people are treated in American emergency rooms for injuries related to dog bites and according to insurance statistics, dog bites account for roughly one-third (1/3) or all homeowner policy claims. Dogs are fun, lovable creatures most of the time if they are trained right, but who should pay when… Read more

Recoverable Damages in an Arizona Wrongful Death Lawsuit

In Arizona, the unexpected death of a family member or loved one resulting from the negligent or intentional actions of another can give rise to a legal claim for wrongful death. In such a case, the dependents of the decedent, including the spouse, children and others who depended upon them, are entitled to be reimbursed… Read more

How To Recognize Signs of Nursing Home Abuse in Tempe, AZ

If you have a loved one in a nursing home, you naturally expect they will receive the best care possible. However, many families each year sadly discover this does not always happen. Unfortunately, nursing home abuse has become a major problem in the United States, with more and more cases being reported each year. Since… Read more

Protecting a Loved One From Nursing Home Abuse

According to the most recent U.S. census, over 40 million people in the United States are over 65 years of age. The number of people in this age category has only grown larger since the 2010 census because Baby Boomers continue to arrive in their golden years. Unfortunately, a shocking number of older Americans suffer… Read more