What Types Of Compensation Can I Get For My Mesa Spinal Cord Injury?

When you have suffered a spinal cord injury, your life will be forever changed. While the effects of some spinal cord injuries are temporary, the majority result in permanent paralysis of either your lower extremities or arms and legs. Should this happen to you or a loved one, many changes will come in the weeks ahead. The most common will include medical treatment and physical therapy that may be ongoing for many years. In addition, you may not be able to return to work for weeks, months, or perhaps ever again, resulting in a sudden and severe loss of income. If you are suffering the devastation of such an injury, there are various types of compensation to which you are entitled.

Medical Expenses for Spinal Cord Injury

Since spinal cord injuries are very complex, they require many different types of medical treatment. Along with long hospital stays, most patients undergo rigorous physical and occupational therapy, leading to astronomical medical bills. While seeking compensation for previous and current expenses, you may also be able to receive compensation for medical expenses anticipated in the future.

Lost Income due to Spinal Cord Injury

If you are unable to return to work due to your spinal cord injury, work with a skilled personal injury attorney to be compensated for your current as well as future lost income. By doing so, you can be sure you and your family will not suffer needless financial difficulties, such as worrying about losing your home or vehicle.

Pain and Suffering from Spinal Cord Injury

Along with the devastating emotional effects of your spinal cord injury, you will also be dealing with physical pain and suffering that may be with you the rest of your life. As a result, you will probably be unable to enjoy various activities you participated in prior to your injury, and may also need extensive counseling to deal with anxiety and depression.

While a spinal cord injury will change your life in many ways, do not allow it to result in financial ruin for you and your family. To learn how to obtain maximum compensation for your injuries, contact us here at Tobler Law for a consultation.

