Car accidents, though not preventable, are certainly reducible by following a few simple driving strategies and reminders when you get behind the wheel of your automobile. The following tips ensure safer driving on all Phoenix roadways.
Tip One: Be Alert
Alert driving reduces accident risks. Do not operate a vehicle if you are sleepy or tired. You should also avoid vehicle operation if you have taken any illicit drugs or narcotic prescriptions or any other medications that may cause drowsiness. And never, ever drive a vehicle if you have drunk alcohol, even when you ‘feel fine.’ Alcohol has a way of making most intoxicated people ‘feel fine.’ You should also avoid driving if you are sleepy or tired.
Tip Two: Avoid Aggressive Driving
Aggressive driving contributes to car accidents and other roadway mishaps. Easily avoidable, aggressive driving includes tactics such as driving too closely to other vehicles, passing in no-pass zones, speeding, and other activities that endanger drivers and others on the roadways. Use defensive driving strategies instead. As a defensive driver, you follow driving laws and regulations as you keep an eye out for other drivers and their driving behaviors.
Tip Three: Check Your Blind spots
Whether traveling U.S. Interstate 10 or another road in Phoenix, check the blind spots on your vehicle. A blind spot is an area located directly behind the driver’s seat where the view is blocked. The passenger seat also has a blind spot. Adjust your side and rear-view mirror every time you get inside the vehicle to account for blind spots and do not hesitate to take a quick glance beside your vehicle to make sure you aren’t in danger.
This short list of driving strategies may very well prevent a car accident when they’re precisely followed. The extra precaution is worth the effort since it keeps everyone safe and injury-free. Don’t drive any vehicle without this information first on your mind before you get behind the wheel.
If you need a Phoenix Car Accident Attorney contact the Law Team at Tobler Law for a Free Consultation