If you were involved in an accident, you may be wondering how much money you can get from the insurance company. Here is some information about what you can get from them: Intangible losses, Noneconomic damages, Punitive damages, and Insurance company responses to unrepresented accident victims. To get the most money from your accident, you should hire a car accident attorney. However, there are some things to keep in mind before you settle with the insurance company.
Intangible losses
The best way to get compensation for non-economic losses is to hire a car accident lawyer in Mesa, AZ. This type of attorney specializes in personal injury and is trained to know how to maximize your claim, as well as how much money you could potentially get. A car accident lawyer in Mesa, AZ and the East Valley will dig deeper to discover the true scope of your injuries and losses. If you are unable to recover compensation for these costs, you may qualify for third-party benefits.
Noneconomic damages
Noneconomic damages are compensation awarded for noneconomic losses suffered by a victim. These losses can include emotional anguish, pain, humiliation, and loss of consortium, among others. Loss of consortium may include the loss of sexual relations and companionship. Noneconomic damages are also known as “psychological” damages. In some states, the damages may also include emotional trauma. Loss of consortium can also be recovered by a spouse.
Punitive damages
If you or a loved one was killed in a car accident, your attorney may be able to recover punitive damages in addition to compensatory damages. Punitive damages are often awarded for actions beyond the defendant’s control and aim to put the injured party’s life in the same financial position it was in before the accident. These damages may include reasonable funeral expenses, loss of society, and consortium, among other things.
Insurance companies’ response to unrepresented accident victims
Insurance companies will rarely take the side of accident victims without legal representation unless they are demanding more than a few thousand dollars in compensation. The reason for this is simple: insurance companies want to reduce future costs and keep premiums as low as possible. This is not in your best interest. A lawyer can negotiate a fair settlement on your behalf, ensuring that you get the maximum compensation possible. You should consider hiring an accident attorney if you cannot afford one.
Cost of hiring a car accident lawyer
You may be concerned about the cost of hiring a car accident attorney. While some people try to handle the case on their own, a car accident lawyer can help you fight the insurance company for the maximum amount of money you are owed. Car accident lawyers charge a contingency fee, which means that they get paid a percentage of the winnings. This fee is often a fraction of the total amount you may win. This fee structure makes hiring an attorney risk-free and highly beneficial.
If you need help with a recent car accident in the Mesa or Phoenix AZ area contact Tobler Law and our car accident attorneys will help you.