If you have been involved in an auto accident, you are now dealing with many issues at once. Along with making sure you get the medical treatment you need to recover, you are also starting to have bills arrive at your doorstep from doctors and others. This, coupled with your inability to return to your job, creates a financial situation you never expected to encounter. Rather than continue to worry about how to pay your bills, here is how a personal injury attorney can help you after an auto accident.
Contingency Fees
When many people suffer auto accidents, they hesitate to hire an attorney because they mistakenly think they will need thousands of dollars upfront. However, attorneys here at Tobler Law work on a contingency fee basis, meaning you won’t owe us anything unless we are successful in helping you obtain all the compensation you need and deserve.
Free Consultations
In addition to contingency fees, we also offer free consultations to accident victims. This is important in most cases, since this allows you to discuss your situation in greater detail with an attorney, who can then provide you with an honest assessment of whether you do indeed have a case against the other driver.
We Come to You
Whether you are recuperating from your accident at home or were injured so severely that you will require an extended hospital stay, we can come to you when discussing the details of your case. Since time is valuable in filing personal injury cases, we make it as convenient as possible for you to hold the other driver accountable for their negligence and carelessness.
Negotiating Settlements
Above all else, you need maximum compensation to pay your medical bills, replace your lost wages, replace damaged property, and help you deal with your pain and suffering. By immediately hiring a personal injury attorney, you will have experienced legal counsel who can get right to work negotiating settlements with insurance companies.
If you were injured by a negligent driver in Mesa or other nearby communities, schedule a free consultation today with us here at Tobler Law.